Monday, May 24, 2004
my house
Back again. I've been busy again. What's new?
So, to follow up some stuff; I am rather excited to tell you that it's now official - I have a house! So, cool. Loads of space and my own office. Really nice stuff.
Also, I now also got a new customer. Really nice stuff too. I'll write more about that later I think...or not.
SO, that was just a couple of lines to let you know that this BLOG is alive!
Sunday, May 09, 2004
been busy
So. Back again. It's been a busy time lately. A lot has happened since last time I wrote - both privately and at work...both of them. Yes I have one official and one I am about to start up. More about that later though.
Linux on new location
First...the small things first. On one of my PC I have...OK I start from the beginning; I had 2 HDD but I have too much stuff there lately (thanks emule), so I went and bought a new HDD with 160 GB...hopefully I am safe for some time. Well, It's got SATA interface and my motherboard was not prepared for that :-\ I had to find this SATA PCI card and THAT was not easy; to make a long and boring story short and boring - I finally got it. So, when that was all playing fine, I started to clean up, re-arrange completely...not an easy task, and it was amazing what stuff I found....intersting task. Anyway, on one of the partitions I have LINUX installed - Red Hat 9 - and I'd like to move this over to one partition on the new HDD. Easy, I just used Partition Magic and I had it there nicely. A perfect image. But.......problems! Grub didn't want to see that new location. Of course, can LINUX play with my new PCI SATA card? For a long time I thought not, but now I just found out that it is supposed to be supported...and that's where I am today. DIdn't have time yet to look into how to compile the kernal to "activate" the SATA support. I am sure I'll come back to that one a nice and sunny day!
New customer?
Then, what else? Yes, I might have a new customer for my starting-up-company. We'll soon see, have a meeting with them in a couple of days...so, I've been preparing that. It's rather basic job, but the interesting is the form of it - all mine. Getting kind of tired of the whole multinational-politics-ass-kissing crap...
New house?
On the private side it's also been moving. By next week I know if I have a house. REALLY interesting indeed. Hope everything works out. Would be so nice to get some more space, could make a really nice office there. All my stuff could be setup and arranged in a better, more userfriendly way. Then I'd have my own garden...everybody need a therapy, some time away from the screens.
I've just created a GMail account. You know, Google's new email service to compete againt hotmail, Yahoo etc. Google offers free email with 1GB of space...I just had to test it out!!! Check out gmail
Too late
Well, there's been some other stuff too, but it's getting too late...so maybe I write about that another time? I wanted to write more about some coding related stuff...another time.
OK, need to get some sleep. I'll write soon again...Or you to me?