Monday, February 21, 2005
Software Patents Outcome

To get back about the EU software patents directive and the proposal to have it "legalized" in EU. It was a reading the 2nd and 3rd of February 2005 and the outcome was the following (quoted from my contact in the EU Parliament):

“…The Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) of the European Parliament decided today to apply the article 55.1. (see below) of the Rules of Procedure and ask for a new first reading on the Computer-Implemented Inventions directive. The decision was reached with an overwhelming majority of the Committee, and with the support of all major political groups. Before taking the decision, the Committee had an exchange of views with Commissioner McCreevy, during which the majority of Members asked the Commission to withdraw its proposal due to the institutional blockage it has created…”

Rule 55
Renewed referral to Parliament
Codecision procedure
1. The President shall, at the request of the committee responsible, ask the Commission to refer its proposal again to Parliament
- where the Commission withdraws its initial proposal after Parliament has adopted its position in order to replace it with another text, except where this is done in order to incorporate Parliament's amendments; or
- where the Commission substantially amends or intends to amend its initial proposal, except where this is done in order to incorporate Parliament's amendments; or
- where, through the passage of time or changes in circumstances, the nature of the problem with which the proposal is concerned substantially changes; or
- where new elections to Parliament have taken place since it adopted its position, and the Conference of Presidents considers it desirable.

Any comments about making it fully possible to take patents on software/application solutions?

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