Tuesday, May 31, 2005
How not to plan and run IT Projects - a success story
One thing, in the IT professional world at least, I find very interesting is IT Projects. Especially projects in my area - software/application projects - from analyze to development and testing to finally rollout. Did the project plan reflected reality, what development model was used and how successful was that compared with others, how was it executed, what roles are involved, what are the costs - in time and money, timeline and ETAs, where are the bottlenecks, how are the members of the team doing…questions on that sort.
::Be Aware!
In this line of work you have to deal with a lot of nice hype wordings, abbreviations and acronyms.
::My current Project
I am currently running a world wide project (analyzing, development, initial testing and rollout) and, up until now, it the best project I've ever been involved in. Everything runs smoothly and, believe it or not, I am ahead of time. The only weak spots are where I am dependant on others. That's where my bottlenecks proved to be.
::The DIAA Project Model
How is this possible? Do I use a brand new project model? Maybe a new development model? No, I am doing it all alone. If you need a name of my model, hey let's call it the DIAA (Doing It All Alone) model.
::Summary for smarties
- Except for testing; include as few people as possible.
- If possible, use ONE person representing the business/user side. Use one point of contact to business!
- Do not let business people in technical discussions. Don't waste time and effort!
- Use experienced "hands-on" people. Learn to select the good people!
- EVERYTHING can be simplified. Do not hide behind terms and hype wordings!
- Eliminate dependencies.
Jag tänkte bara komma förbi och hälsa. Det var länge sen vi pratade sist. Hoppas allt är bra. Vi cs!
kram :D
Post a Comment Jag tänkte bara komma förbi och hälsa. Det var länge sen vi pratade sist. Hoppas allt är bra. Vi cs!
kram :D