Monday, April 24, 2006
Uhhh... Universal
I never get tired of these "jokes". It's even getting more fun when you know it's actually no jokes...
These are all taken from About: Politicalhumor
Have a look at the top 25 Bushisms
These are all taken from About: Politicalhumor
"The relations with, uhh — Europe are important relations, and they've, uhh — because, we do share values. And, they're universal values, they're not American values or, you know — European values, they're universal values. And those values — uhh — being universal, ought to be applied everywhere."
—George W. Bush, at a press conference with European Union dignitaries, Washington, D.C., June 20, 2005
Have a look at the top 25 Bushisms
Ah yes - I love that one too. I seem to remember running that photo about six months ago on the site though... must be doing the rounds again on the net.
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