Thursday, April 26, 2007
Online office - Thinkfree

Some time ago I wrote about the great service from Google sharing, creating documents and spreadsheets. That is a really nice online tool (sadly I am NOT payed by Google to write this). All the basic functions are there.


Now I found another one good enough to compete with Google. It is called ThinkFree, actually it IS better. More advanced functions, especially within sharing, editing and collaboration. Just as in the tool from Google you create and work with documents and spreadsheets, but with ThinkFree you can also create powerpoint presentations! Finally, it even looks more profesional...

I've been testing it now for a couple of weeks and I can not really complain about anything. I can really recommend it.

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Also, look @ Zoho (www.zoho.com)
Thanks for checking us out. We will be starting a closed beta for our Premium Edition (the page link referes to the ThinFree Online overview, you have to scroll down for the Premium info) in a little while. Let me know if you are interested in participating.

As for raju's comment, yes do check them out as well, definitely better than Google;).
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